We’ve learned that Athletic Departments struggle to manage the athlete’s primary insurance information.
For the most part, Athletic Departments only ask the athlete to provide a copy of their insurance card and/or answer some questions about their primary insurance. This information is then entered into a spreadsheet, dropped into a file cabinet or the best-case scenario, entered into the current injury tracking software. When an athlete is injured and sees an outside medical provider, the athletic trainer provides the insurance information they have, with the hope that the card is still active.
Vivature has the ability to take the insurance cards the athletes provide the schools and validate that the coverage is still effective. We do this on a timetable that is helpful for each school. Most schools ask us to run the check every time an athlete is injured or once a semester; while others ask us to run the check every month on every athlete. We provide easy-to-read reports that help the schools to understand the current status of all insurance coverage, any changes since last month and identify those that have no primary coverage. With this information, schools can now be proactive with the medical cost management for each athlete.

NExTT Pic Mobile App
This is an App that we developed that allows students, parents, & athletic trainers to quickly and easily capture primary insurance information.
The App takes a picture of the front and back of the insurance card and sends the information to Vivature. We upload the information into the NExTT software for each athlete and store the image of the card in each athlete’s unique insurance file.